
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2022

WSL php require vendor files, permission denied

 today, after i have done updating my windows. i continue working on my PHP project within WSL, before that i upgrade my composer with by using "composer selfupdate" command. because i need to install some package from composer, i run the `composer update` command. after it is finished, suddenly the app thrown some errors which says "cannot require path/to/vendor/file.php permission denied". then i check the permission of the files. all the files within vendor that have been updated by composer suddenly changed into "drwx------" or "drwxr-xr-x". that permission, basically says "only the user that can access it, group or other cannot". to solved that problem, i ran "sudo chmod -R go+rwx /path/to/my/project/vendor/". which mean "nah, i want to let group and other can access it".

Yang dibutuhkan dalam instalasi WSL

(dilakukan pada WSL dengan distro debian). apt install bash-completion supaya muncul autocoomplete ketika pencet TAB di terminal. cat /etc/wsl.conf [automount] options = "metadata" supaya ketika auto-mount disk windows ke WSL, juga menyertakan metadata disk terkait.

WSL Snippets

 wsl -d NAMA_DIST untuk menjalankan linux dari terminal (contoh: wsl -d Debian).

Instalasi LAMP di WSL (Selamat Tinggal WAMP)