Blogspot Template. Understanding Header Section

1st. Section Tag:
<b:section id='my-awesome-header'>...</b:section>
Note: you can naming the ID, whatever u like.

2nd. Widget Tag (inside section):
<b:widget id='Header1' type='Header'>...</b:widget>
Note: Attribute ID, TYPE is minimal attibutes. TYPE must "Header", and the ID must "Header(some-number)", both are uppercase first.

3rd. Includable Tag (inside widget):
<b:includable id='main'>
  <h3><b:include name='title'/></h3>
  <p><b:include name='description'/></p>
The minimal required, is a includable tag with ID:main, Then Blogspot will auto creates 2 includable with ID:title and ID:description next ID:main (save then refrash to see the effect). Both contain statement(s). For example, if we read post (that mean we're not on the homepage) then, the title (inside ID:main) will become an URL(link) to the homepage. just try it.

At last, your header is ready to eat!

Note: Sorry for my Bad English. I hope someone would suggest "better" english grammer for this post.


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