Cara Hapus Gambar/Foto Blogspot (Blogger)

Terdapat 2 cara untuk menghapus foto di Blogspot (Blogger). Yaitu:

  1. Melalui Google Plus.
  2. Melalui Picasa.
Google sendiri telah menerangkan cara melakuka hal tersebut di Help Google, dimana tertulis:

If you've upgraded to Google+, the photos you've uploaded to your blog will be stored on Google+. Learn how to delete or restore a photo from Google+. Removing the photo from your blog will not remove the photo from your blog's album on Google+.
If you haven't upgraded to Google+, your images will be stored in Picasa Web Albums. Deleting an image from your blog that's stored in Picasa Web Albums will also delete the photo in Picasa, and vice versa. Learn how Picasa works with Blogger.
Sederhananya, jika anda punya akun Google Plus (g+), maka foto/gambar pada blog akan tersedia di g+, dan dapat kita atur (termasuk menghapusnya).
Jika tidak, Gambar pada blog kita dapat kita atur melalui Picasa Web Albums.


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