Referensi Flash Builder

Pemahaman Dasar:
  1. Video latihan dari Adobe
  2. A brief overview of the Spark architecture and component set
  3. Adobe Flex 4.6 * Handling events (Dengan contoh)
  4. Adobe Flex 4.6 * Using ActionScript in applications (Dengan contoh)
  5. Adobe Flex 4.6 * Including versus importing ActionScript code (Dengan contoh)
  6. Help Using Flex
Debugging melalui Trace:
  1. Debugging Flex applications with mm.cfg and flashlog.txt (Gagal)
  2. How to get trace output from PPAPI content debugger Flash Player #27848663 (Berhasil)
  3. Configure the debugger version of Flash Player (Pengaturan)

Masalah Teknis:
  1. Flash Builder trying to use wrong player #25923689
  2. Create a custom wrapper (Membuat custom HTML template saat Build)

Saya mengunakan Flex 4.6.
Update 201604032008


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